Wednesday, May 2, 2012

10,000 Steps a Day Helps Keep the Pounds Away

Did you know an average person's stride length is approximately 2.5 feet long? This information was researched on a website known as The Walking Site to see the health benefit of walking 10,000 steps a day and different ways to use a pedometer to help improve your overall health. 

A sedentary person may only average 1,000 to 3,000 steps a day, but a reasonable goal for most individuals is 500 steps per day until you reach 10,000 steps per day. 

Wearing a pedometer is an easy way to track your steps each day, and you can obtain one for free by asking a staff member in the surgery department of Physicians East.   Start by wearing the pedometer every day for one week starting first thing in the morning when you get up and wear it until bedtime.  Record your daily steps in a log or notebook to keep track of your daily number to reach that goal of 10,000 steps daily. 

There are many ways to increase your daily steps. Some examples are:
  • take a walk with your friend, child, or spouse
  • Walk the dog
  • Use the stairs instead of the elevator
  • Park farther from the store
  • Get up to change the channel instead of using the remote
  • Window shop
  • Plan a walking meeting
  • Walk over to visit a neighbor
  • Go outside and walk around the garden or do a little weeding
Continue to track your daily steps and mileage, and keep notes on how you feel and your progress being made each day.  If you are in very poor physical health and feel you progressing too rapidly slow down and try smaller increases or check with your physician prior to starting your exercise routine.

Information provided from The Walking Site at

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