Have you ever tried to chose foods that are good for you by reading the labels located on the back or side of foods? If you have then you know how frustrating and confusing it can be to figure out what you should be looking for.......calories, fat, or fiber??? Here's is an article our nutritionists, Bridget Turrone and Mary Warner, provided to help you read and understand food labels better when it comes to chosing the right foods to help you with your weight loss.
Serving Size/Servings Per Container: Look at this very carefully! In many cases the package will contain more than 1 serving. For example: in the food label below, if you ate 4 crackers, you are eating 2 servings and will have to multiple the calories, fat, etc by 2.
Calories: Check the calories to see if this food item fits into your total daily calories. Your Dietitian or Surgeon will determine the amount of calories you are to have after Bariatric Surgery. In most cases, we recommend no more than 1200 calories per day one year post operative.
Protein: Make sure to always check grams of protein on the food label. Try and consume 60-80 grams of protein per day!
Total Fat: Recommend no more than 8-10 grams of total fat per meal. Limit amounts of saturated, trans fats, and cholesterol as these are unhealthy.
Sodium: Limit to no more than 1500-2000 mg per day.
Total Carbohydrate: Most patients should not exceed 25-30 grams of carbohydrates per meal, 10-15 grams of carbohydrates per snack, and no more than 5 grams of carbohydrates per beverage. Avoid simple carbohydrates such as candy, pie, cake, etc as they may promote dumping syndrome.
Sugars: Avoid any products with added sugars. Avoid foods with 5-10 grams of sugar per serving to help prevent dumping syndrome or hypoglycemia.
Sugar Alcohols (i.e. sorbitol, xylitol): Limit to no more than 10 grams per serving because these may have a laxative effect.
Dietary Fiber: Aim for products that have at least 3-5 grams of fiber per serving.
If you are interested in meeting with one of our wonderful nutritionists to assist in helping you with information like this please 252-413-6683 to schedule an appointment with Bridget Turrone, RD, LDN & Mary Warner, RD, LDN, Physicians East Registered Dietitians. They look forward to assisting you in reaching your weight loss goals!
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