You know which one is the better choice, but most times patients have difficulty making the right choice when it comes to the temptations when eating out in restaurants. Here are some helpful tips from our nutritionists, Bridget Turrone and Mary Warner, to assist with planning a healthier meal when eating out.
¨ Use the following websites and resources to help determine the nutrition content of various restaurant foods:
¨ The Calorie King Book, Allen Borushek- May be purchased at Barnes and Noble
¨ If you own a Smartphone use can download free restaurant apps
¨ Select lean protein foods first at all meals and snacks. Trim Visible fat from meat and remove the skin from the poultry.
¨ Try and have your meal planned before you go out to eat so you will not be tempted to make an unhealthy food choice once you get to the restaurant.
¨ Ask the server to pack up half of the meal before he or she brings it to you. Remember that even half of a restaurant sized-meal may be too much food for you after surgery. Recommend no more than 1 cup per meal.
¨ Obtain a Restaurant Card from Physicians East Bariatric Coordinator or Registered Dietitian. - 252-413-6683 (Nutrition Dept)
¨ Share the meal with a friend or family member.
¨ Have your server put all sauces and dressings on the side because these may be high fat or high sugar.
¨ Avoid the chips or bread before the entrée arrives since these are a low in protein. If you fill up on starchy foods you will not leave enough room in your stomach for healthy protein foods.
¨ Select moist and tender foods. Dry, tough foods are difficult to tolerate.
¨ Do not try new foods for the first time while eating out. Try these at home to prevent an uncomfortable situation.
¨ Avoid any breaded and fried foods as they will provide extra calories and fat.
¨ High Fat Terms to Avoid include:
Basted in it’s own Gravy
Hollandaise Sauce
Beer Battered
Cheese Sauce Sauté
¨ Low Fat Terms to choose from:
Broiled or Baked
All these are great tips to help patients to successfully eat healthy at restaurants, but it takes will power as well and picking locations ahead of time that you know you can pick items on the menu that are appropriate to your weight loss plan. If you or anyone you know would like more information on healthy meal planning please schedule an appointment with our nutritionists, Bridget Turrone or Mary Warner, at 252-413-6683. Good luck and healthy eating!!